Where did They Go Wrong?
Analysis of where this case wen left in the hope that it doesn’t happen again.
The Exonerated 5: If this movie does nothing else, it showcases the perils of black boys hanging out in large groups. Is it fair? Of course not. But even if the boys weren’t “wildin” a term defined as going out to harm others, they were still perceived as threatening and up to no good. This was the late 80s, and now we all know to stay close to home, especially at night, or do we?
Media: the media did what they always do- spin the story. They took innocent boys and painted them as thugs and monsters. Tainting the jury pool and making their names and images synonymous with rapists and wolf pack. Not thinking of the long-term consequences or the innocent until proven guilty factor, the media was Judge and Jury for the youth they coined “The Cental Park 5.”
Parents: All the parents made the fatal flaw of not getting an Attorney to accompany the youth while they were being questioned. Even worse, one parent went home sick while another father went to work. They had no idea the inferno that their children were in. When parents ask my advice on what to do when their children are in trouble with the law I always tell them to get them an Attorney: spare no expense. The earlier you hire an Attorney, the better.
The prosecutors: They did everything wrong, but the main thing they did wrong is fair to see the humanity of The Exhonerated 5. They failed to see that this could be their nephew, their son, themselves! In fact they didn’t see themselves. Race in America has divided us in such a way that we do not see ourselves in each other. The prosecutors capitalized on the boys vulnerability and lack of knowledge to frame them for a case they didn’t do. When they see us, if they see us, cases like this will cease to be an issue. But until then there will be not justice, just us.
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